STUNNING: Trudeau Government To Drop Case Against Vice-Admiral Mark Norman?

by Spencer Fernando May 8, 2019 UPDATE: The case against Norman has been dropped. National Post report indicates breach of trust charge will be withdrawn. In a stunning report,...

AG Report Shows Trudeau Government Has Devastated The Asylum System

Canada’s asylum system has been devastated by illegal border crossings, and the backlog is now the worst in Canadian history

Lou Dobbs Tonight 5/5/19 | URGENT!TRUMP News – This Was Worse Than Watergate!

https://youtu.be/wecTQvqu6so Lou Dobbs Tonight 5/5/19 | URGENT!TRUMP News May 5, 2019      

PIERS MORGAN: While dumb, deluded Democrats pathetically screech about impeachment, Trump’s firing up the...

After two-and-a-half years of President Trump, the US economy is powering away and smashing records as it surges

Did you give your consent for this? It’s called Geoengineering, and it’s Deadly!


VIDEO: Laura Loomer Crashes Facebook Headquarters After She Was Banned, Requests Meeting with Official...

On May 2, 2019, I was permanently banned by Facebook and Instagram, and labeled as a “dangerous person”, a terrorist. Others who were banned include Milo Yiannopoulos, Alex Jones, and Paul Joseph Watson.

Brennan about to be indicted for plot against Trump, former CIA agent says; prepare...

Former CIA Officer and whistleblower Kevin Shipp says, “The danger for ‘We the People’ is the Dark Left and Dark Left violence

Florida teens prayers answered by a ship named ‘Amen’

Two stranded teens in ocean rescued by boat named 'Amen' 

Pilgrim’s Progress Director Speaks on Hollywood and Christian Films

https://youtu.be/04WXlAcOtS0 By Liberty Sentinel Staff Liberty Sentinel May 2, 2019 Because it was so amazing, The Liberty Sentinel reviewed The Pilgrim’s Progress movie last week after it premiered in theaters nationwide. It was sogood...