Former Top FBI Official: DOJ Didn’t Want To Grant Access To Clinton Attorney Laptops

There’s been so much written about the testimony of former FBI and DOJ officials to Congress and each little bit formulates a more cohesive picture of what was occurring during the probe into Hillary Clinton and that of President Trump’s campaign

Canada’s Liberal Party has morphed into a cult, by Warren Kinsella

After what you Liberals did, I suppose you are expecting me to liken you to a lynch mob. And, it is true: You were a bit like that

Evidence Shows Joe Biden Got Ukrainian Prosecutor Fired Who Was Investigating His Son Hunter...

https://youtu.be/s8td7JmW2sI by Jim Hoft The Gateway Pundit April 3, 2019 After leaving office in 2017, Vice President Joe Biden Bragged about strong-arming the government of Ukraine to fire...

‘MEDIEVAL’ PUNISHMENT Brunei Sharia law comes into force today that allows gay people and...

Same-sex couples could also be whipped under the strict new Islamic laws in the tiny nation, which is on the island of Borneo in Southeast Asia.

Vaccines for profit and destruction, by Jon Rapoport

“The main vaccine producing companies, the ‘BIG 4’, Merck, GSK, Pfizer, Sanofi, who make all our children’s vaccines, list the very illnesses now seen in epidemic numbers in our children, in their own vaccine inserts, as potential adverse effects.”

Brussels Becomes First Major City to Halt 5G Due to Health Effects

Great news. A Belgian government minister has announced that Brussels is halting its 5G plans due to health effects

British Home Children in Canada – Born of Good Intentions

One of Canada's best kept historical secrets, the mass immigration of tens of thousands of children to be used as a source of cheap labor.

Not only Jody Wilson-Raybould, but Jane Philpott Also Kicked Out Of Liberal Caucus

Trudeau announced it in speech to Liberal cronies

Every Democrat Who Voted Against the Born Alive Bill Received Money From Planned Parenthood

 Jimmy Lewis NATIONAL March 25, 2019 Kaya Jones, a former member of the Pussycat Dolls, claimed in a March 1 tweet that “every single Democrat that voted...