Every Democrat Who Voted Against the Born Alive Bill Received Money From Planned Parenthood

 Jimmy Lewis NATIONAL March 25, 2019 Kaya Jones, a former member of the Pussycat Dolls, claimed in a March 1 tweet that “every single Democrat that voted...

Under Obama, US Became World’s Number 1 for Sex Trafficking and Pedophilia

America was global human trafficking and pedophile ring hotspot during Obama 2nd term

Report Says Liberals To Boot Wilson-Raybould & Philpott Soon

Hill Times says Liberal MPs expect the two MPs to be kicked out of the Liberal Caucus ‘in coming days.’

Clapper Sings – Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper Tells CNN Obama Ordered...

https://youtu.be/XnKK5NnPJcQ by Jim Hoft Gateway Pundit March 31, 2019   On Monday former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper went on with CNN’s Anderson Cooper to discuss the Mueller...

Declassified Emails Reveal NATO Killed Gaddafi to Stop Libyan Creation of Gold-Backed Currency

Gaddafi's last words as he begged for mercy: 'What did I do to you?'

Michigan Patriots, You Did US Proud!’ “Make Noise 4 Q”

"MAKE NOISE 4 Q" sign walked the entire line at the Trump Rally!

Flat Earth Flooding the Church

In this lesson, we discuss some of the reasons that so many flat earthers are being rapidly drawn to the scriptures and the appropriate response of Christians

Cancer Cluster At California Elementary School Results In Removal Of Sprint Cell Phone Tower

Weston Elementary School in Ripon, CA went on high alert after the controversy erupted two years ago - with some parents even pulling their children from school over the tower which Sprint has been paying the school $2,000 per month to place on its property

BREAKING: FBI Ordered to Turn Comey Memos Over to Judge Weighing Their Release

by Cristina Laila Gateway Pundit March 28, 2019 US District Judge James Boasberg in Washington ordered the FBI to turn over Comey’s ‘Trump memos’ — both clean and redacted...