
House of Windsor and the New World Order

It all is traced back to the House of Windsor who are…not really British at all and complexly involved in doing what they do best…live high at the expense of the world!

Department of Justice Hearing On Russia and Mueller Investigation : Part 2

https://youtu.be/RIYoBnWBeIc FOX 10 Phoenix Published on 8 Feb 2019 SUBSCRIBE 341K After a tense back-and-forth between congressional Democrats and the Justice Department, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler and...

DISGUSTING: Trudeau PMO Throws Jody Wilson-Raybould Under The Bus, While She’s Legally Prevented From...

Many people have been speculating who the ‘client’ is following Jody Wilson-Raybould’s statement that she can’t comment on the Trudeau PMO SNC-Lavalin bombshell story.

President Trump Delivers the State of the Union

https://youtu.be/fpf1IYU0poY The White House Published on 5 Feb 2019 SUBSCRIBED 1.1M Washington, DC    

TRUMP IS SPARTAN – Mindset of Lycurgus the Legendary Lawgiver of Sparta! (Great Philosopher’s,...

Rigging 2020, Queen Nancy & SOTU 76% Support T,80k Indictm3nts, SPLC, L0ckh3rup, Typhus

Bayer-Monsanto Merger: Endangering Our Health…

The US Department of Justice finalized its approval of the Bayer and Monsanto merger. A new monopoly will be created over agricultural pesticides and industrial seed production, with farmers locked into industrial farming and of our health endangered

Bernier Points Out Hypocrisy Of ‘Cultural Appropriation’ After CBC Promotes ‘World Hijab Day’

People’s Party of Canada Maxime Bernier recently tweeted about an example of glaring hypocrisy

Has Trudeau Destroyed Canada’s Resource Future, by Rex Murphy

Canada's iconic and always controversial broadcaster Rex Murphy at the Vancouver Resource Investment Conference talks about the current government and the misrepresentations of our resources