
It’s Not a Shut-Down, It’s a Trap

https://youtu.be/4p7oWrLX2pU Headlines With A Voice Published on 15 Jan 2019 SUBSCRIBE 68K It's Not a Shut-Down President Donald Trump has lured Democrats into a trap that will enable a...

The Royals Pedophilia & Murder

From child sex trafficking inside Buckingham Palace to the assassination of Princess Diana on August 31, 1997, the British Royal family has long been the center of deep rooted corruption, and as many have argued, Satanism

Q Anon: Are You Ready For What Is To Come?

The News Media Are a Bunch of Leftist Liars....

Notley NDP Government moves to Shut Down The Rebel!!!

the socialist government of Alberta convicted The Rebel Media in a SECRET court, on a bogus charge

CBC runs “over-the-top diatribe” against PPC candidate Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson

https://youtu.be/8-JYpXZuc1I by David Menzies The Rebel.media January 17, 2019 The CBC’s headline on a story about the People’s Party of Canada candidate in a Vancouver area by-election read: “Bernier's...

Vaccine researchers are preparing for Disease X

They hope to be able to create new vaccines in just four months January 18, 2019 Last year the World Health Organisation published a plan to accelerate...

Trudeau, Soros, Open Borders, and Free Speech. Spencer Fernando

Is Canada a 'Sanctuary Country' ?

Freshman Democrats Turn on Pelosi Over Border Wall, Seek Deal with Trump

by Matthew Boyle January 16, 2019 Several freshman Democrat members of the new House of Representatives majority have turned on Speaker Nancy Pelosi in her steadfast...