Theresa May’s Brexit Deal Defeated By Massive Margin

by Spencer Fernando January 15, 2019 432 voted no, while just 202 voted yes, among the worst defeats for a UK government in history. Theresa May’s Brexit...

Trudeau’s Weakness & Canada’s Lack Of Military Strength Means Nobody Takes Us Seriously

In reality, our country is only safe because of the implicit idea that the US will defend Canada if we ever get in trouble, which is an embarrassing position for a sovereign nation to be in

Terrible: Bob Rae Compares Canadian Yellow Vests To ‘Brownshirts’

The overwhelming majority of Canadian Yellow Vest protesters are patriotic, peaceful, law-abiding citizens.

Justin Trudeau teams up with George Soros

Ezra Levant of The Rebel.media reports on the Trudeau government hiding their dealing with billionaire globalist George Soros


https://youtu.be/1Qt5B39LB7c ‘Wireless radiation has biological effects. Period,’ she says Infowars.com -  JANUARY 12, 2019 Internal medicine physician & professor Dr. Sharon Goldberg delivered testimony before Congress about 5G...

Flu shot lands man in hospital, unable to speak, walk, see or even BREATHE

A Las Vegas man lost his vision, became partially paralyzed and has been unable to breathe without assistance since getting a flu shot last month

REPORT: Canadians Outraged Over Trudeau Government’s Disturbing ‘Impaired-Driving’ Law Giving Authorities Power To Demand...

by Spencer Fernando January 10, 2019 A serious infringement on the freedom and liberties of the Canadian People. Changes to Canada’s impaired-driving laws passed by the Trudeau...

Plague of Locusts Attacks Islam’s Holiest Mosque in Mecca

Joel 1:4 King James Version (KJV) 4 That which the palmerworm hath left hath the locust eaten; and that which the locust hath left hath the cankerworm eaten; and that which the cankerworm hath left hath the caterpiller eaten.

Obama And Clinton Gun Running Operation: Government Watchdog Uncovers Proof Of Criminality

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton — as did many bureaucrats at the State Department — knew that the U.S. was collecting — many times buying – and sending arms from Benghazi, Libya to Syria back in 2011, a year before the Benghazi consulate/CIA station attacks

Big Pharma’s total corruption and control over U.S. lawmakers now being exposed by the...

Is it possible that mainstream journalists have rediscovered their integrity and desire to tell the truth?