Lawyers: President Trump Can Cite a National Emergency to Build the Wall

by Neil Munro January 9, 2019 The White House can use unspent funds to build a wall if President Donald Trump declares a national emergency and...

Medical marijuana goes mainstream as seniors look to relieve chronic pain

It is no surprise then that the popularity of cannabis among seniors has been — and continues to be — on the rise

Acosta-ed by Conway


People’s Party of Canada Nominates Their First Candidates For Two By-Elections

Laura Lynn Tyler Thompson and Jennifer M. Clarke will be representing the new People’s Party in upcoming B.C. by-elections

Cleric In B.C. Said Wishing Someone ‘Merry Christmas’ Is Worse Sin Than “Murder”

Sheikh Younus Kathrada, an Islamic Cleric who operates in B.C., is facing widespread condemnation for his claim that Muslims wishing someone ‘Merry Christmas’ was somehow a worse sin than taking a life.

Pedosexuals Exposed! (Warning) Children Are Being Sexualized At An EXTREMELY Young Age!

Children are born into this world completely innocent with no concept of good or evil or any kind of a notion that someone might to something bad got them

It’s time: Trump should declare a national emergency, build the border wall, activate the...

by Mike Adams January 6, 2019 (Natural News) It’s time for President Trump to declare a national emergency. This is the first necessary step in defending America...

Statin scam exposed: Cholesterol drugs cause rapid aging, brain damage and diabetes

Statins, the widely prescribed class of drugs said to lower "bad" cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart problems, has recently come under fire after a study revealed that they destroy human health more than they work to improve it

Federal Grand Jury Will Finally Hear Evidence Of 9/11 Controlled Demolition

https://youtu.be/emqrI1I1tNY Courtesy of The Truth Seeker The 9/11 Truth Movement has opened an avenue to prosecuting those responsible for the shocking destruction of the World Trade...

Trump Proclaims January as Month Committed to Abolition of Human Trafficking

In one of President Donald Trump’s final actions of 2018, he proclaimed January as “National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month.”