CLUELESS: McKenna Retweets Tweet Criticizing Canada For Emissions Over ‘Global Average,’ Totally Ignoring That...

by Spencer Fernando December 31, 2018 There’s no way to keep Canada going without using lots of energy, because we’re one of the coldest nations on...

Frontpage Magazine’s Person of The Year: Sarah Huckabee Sanders

The media is the enemy and Sarah Huckabee Sanders is the warrior who takes them on day after day

Maxed out: Bernier says his People’s Party is set up in all 338 ridings...

https://youtu.be/Ek5MZrv6khA The party's platform is still being finalized, but its website says positions taken by Bernier in the Conservative leadership race will form the basis...

Study PROVES chemicals in shampoo and toothpaste are altering sex hormones in adolescents

New research out of the University of California, Berkeley has revealed that many conventional shampoo, soap, and toothpaste products are loaded with endocrine-disrupting chemicals, or EDCs, that damage hormones in developing children

Donald Trump Threatens to Close Southern Border if Democrats Fail to Fund Border Security

“We will be forced to close the Southern Border entirely if the Obstructionist Democrats do not give us the money to finish the Wall & also change the ridiculous immigration laws that our Country is saddled with,” Trump wrote on Twitter.

Supply management is the most staggeringly unconservative thing the Conservatives support

Under Canada’s “supply management” system, Canada’s eggs and dairy producers are shielded from competition by exorbitant tariffs and state-sanctioned cartels. In other words, it’s an awkward policy for Scheer to support while simultaneously beating a drum about free trade.

How Rockefeller Founded Big Pharma and Made War on Natural Remedies

It all started with John D. Rockefeller (1839 - 1937) who was an oil tycoon, a thieving baron, the first billionaire of the United States and a born monopolist

Twitter Bans Popular Conservative Account On Christmas Eve For Criticism of Pedophilia

By Laura Loomer December 26, 2018 In yet another act of anti-Conservative bias by Twitter, Breck Worsham, a popular Conservative woman with nearly 83,000 Twitter followers has...

Fake News: NBC Spreads False Claim President Trump Did Not Visit Troops at ‘Christmastime’

NBC has yet to retract its demonstrably fake headline, and has left the fake story up on its website as of publication of this article.

TRIPLETS all become autistic within hours of vaccination… see shocking video that has the...

The names of their three children, pictured above, are Richie, Robbie and Claire. All three children were vaccinated on the same day, and within hours, they all become severely autistic