
97% Global Warming Consensus Exposed with Dr. Tim Ball

Josh Sigurdson talks with Dr. Tim Ball, PhD about the vast propaganda forced on the public via the media and the government regarding climate change (or global warming, or global cooling, whatever it is this week).

The danger of Globalism, Identity Politics, and Islamism. by Spencer Fernando (Video)

https://youtu.be/2nfIbZSzpKw by Spencer Fernando December 3, 2018 On October 27th, I spoke to the great Canadian Patriots at Freedom Defence about the three biggest threats facing Canada. Above,...

‘Ballot Harvesting,’ California Dems’ Latest Election Stealing Tool

The statewide results even drew the attention of the normally squishy soon-to-be former House Speaker Paul Ryan

Q – We Are The Plan

This is not fantasy. They just made us think it is. ALERT! Everything is a lie. We were about to go down the toilet and then were miraculously saved - all while we were focused on everything but what is the most transformative event in living history.

JFK to 911 Everything Is A Rich Man’s Trick – Check out George HW...

The who, how & why of the JFK assassination. Taken from an historical perspective starting around world war 1 leading to present day

Qanon November 30 – A Picture is Worth Many Sentences

Is the arrest of corrupt politicians drawing near? The President and Qanon have been sending messages that seem to indicate their prosection is approaching.

Interview With Maxime Bernier by Spencer Fernando

To start, I asked him what he felt made the People’s Party different than other parties

“The Most Selective Wildfires in Recorded History” Smart Meters!!!

How do out-of-control wildfires only burn down houses to the ground while leaving nearby trees completely unaffected?!

BETRAYAL: 2,600 Jobs To Be Wiped Out When GM Shuts Oshawa Plant

Both federal and provincial government say GM has no intention of backing off the decision

Historical and current use of weather modification for military purposes.

Weather Warfare Investigation into the historical and current use of weather modification for military purposes. Courtesy of http://weatherwarfare.worldatwar.info/ DOCUMENTS LIST MEDIA QUOTES SOURCES Quotes In April 1997, Secretary of...