
Spencer Fernando talks about Maxime Bernier with Jim Goddard

Stats Canada Gathering Your Financial Data...

Armed Migrants in Caravan Opened Fire on Mexican Cops, Say Authorities

by Ildefonso Ortiz and Brandon Darby October 30, 2018 Mexican authorities arrested two Hondurans who allegedly shot at federal police officers escorting the migrant caravan across the...

Former governor general Adrienne Clarkson still bills more than $100,000 a year in expenses

Former governor general Adrienne Clarkson is still billing Canadian taxpayers more than $100,000 a year in office expenses, and has now claimed more than $1.1 million in such expenses since she left Rideau Hall in 2005

CREEPY: Trudeau Supports Stats Canada Taking Our Banking Info Without Our Permission

by Spencer Fernando October 30, 2018 A Canadian leader is supposed to stand up for the Canadian People. Instead – as always – Justin Trudeau stood...

Caravan, Trump, Hillary and Voter Fraud with Michael Rivero

Shootings, Bombs, Steel, and Polls

‘Horrifying’ marijuana sales in British Columbia a wake-up call for regulators

By Matt Lamers October 26, 2018 British Columbia’s dismal cannabis sales in the opening hours of legalization should be seen by provincial and federal regulators as a...

Civic Elections Prove First-Past-the-Post Works! by Harvey Oberfeld

by Harvey Oberfeld Keeping It Real... October 26, 2018 An impressive province-wide result of BC’s civic elections was the degree of change we all witnessed: new mayors,...

Four Ways that President Trump Can Stop the ‘Invasion’ of the Caravan Hordes

October 26, 2018 Representative Louis Gohmert (R-TX) revealed that President has four avenues to thwart the migrant caravan that include: Closing the border, shutting down...

Nolte: NBC News Hid Information that Would Have Cleared Kavanaugh of Avenatti Rape Allegations

NBC News deliberately hid vital information that would have helped clear Brett Kavanaugh

Can’t blame Trump for the pipe bombs, Brian Lilley

It was just two weeks ago that former Attorney General Eric Holder, one of the people that had a package sent to them called for violence. He paraphrased a famous Michelle Obama line while speaking to a group of Democrats