CONFUSION: Government MP Ruby Sahota’s Explanation For Russian Expulsions Goes Against What Trudeau, Freeland...

In a recent CTV interview, Liberal MP Ruby Sahota totally contradicted both Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland when she tried explaining why Canada expelled four Russian diplomats

Yes, George Soros was a Nazi collaborator (and now funds Media Matters and other...

George Soros really is a deranged psychopath who lacks normal human emotion and is willing to do ANYTHING to advance his personal agendas

LIAR: Trudeau Caught Spreading Falsehood About Conservative Pipeline Record, Tries Blaming Harper Again –...

Trudeau once again refuses to take responsibility for anything, as he tries to blame pipeline struggles on the Harper government

Ontario PCs Have Over 50% Support: Mainstreet Research Poll

Poll says heavy-spending Wynne budget not helping Ontario Liberals

LIVE TOWN HALL: Silicon Valley’s Anti-Conservative Bias & War on Free Speech

truly some in-depth reporting journalism exposing what google, facebook and twitter, as well as Chrome are all about, and its nasty!

More Links Between Brain Cancer and Cell Phones. Sharon Noble

Report finds 47 fires caused by Smart Meters, no government reaction

YouTube shooter identified as left-wing Farsi-speaking VEGAN named Nasim Aghdam; ranted against YouTube for...

Liberal heads are exploding tonight as bizarre facts are now emerging about the YouTube shooter who opened fire, wounding three YouTube employees and killing herself in an attempted murder-suicide

Exclusive: South Asian organizer cut from Scheer camp worked for Bremner’s NPA win, By...

(NPA Coun. Hector Bremner with Raj Bhela (right)   By Bob Mackin   April 3, 2018 Conservative leader Andrew Scheer’s former South Asian community organizer in B.C., who was...

Trump, PUtin, Mueller, Soros and Hillary. Michael Rivero this week

Immigration, Social Media, Web Crime, and Auto Loans


Unlike all of the other proof over the years about the moon landing hoax, this video will examine how NASA themselves have inadvertently admitted that we never went to the moon nor are we still able to go to this day