
Fixing The PC Party of Ontario (Video)

David Menzies of The Rebel.Media reports: At the PC leadership debate in Ottawa, we caught up with Jim Karahalios, founder of the “Axe the Carbon Tax” and “Take Back the PC Party” protest movements

Doug Ford says ‘we’ve got to consult parents’ when it comes to minors’ access...

(Ontario Progressive Conservative leadership candidate Doug Ford in Windsor (Melissa Nakhavoly/CBC)   Kids 'can't even get their tonsils out without' parents' approval, said Ford CBC NEWS March 5,...

geo engineered Storm Emma’s grisly aftermath: Incredible pictures show beaches blanketed by millions of...

Beachgoers were left shocked after a devastating scene of millions of sea creatures from fish to lobsters washed up on the shore

Over a million children under the age of six are currently on psychiatric drugs...

Antidepressants and antipsychotics put forth some surprising figures, but the biggest category of psychotic drugs given to children appears to be anti-anxiety drugs. Just over 227,132 babies under one and nearly 248,000 of those aged four to five take these medications

Justin Trudeau’s trip to India was a disaster | 22 Minutes (Video)

Elaborate outfits, questionable trade deals, and bringing along a convicted attempted murderer - Trudeau's trip to India was the most embarrassing thing to happen to India since Apu

Meet the Conservative Parkland Massacre Survivor the Media Has Largely Ignored

Kashuv counts himself as a believer in the 'Never Again' cause, but feels ostracized and ignored by those -- including students and the adults supporting them -- who disagree with his conservative politics

Canada contributes $33 million to help build rehab centre for Afghan vets

Canada has quietly helped establish a new centre in Kabul to treat Afghan vets wounded in that nations many years of conflict.

YouTube deletes over 1700 videos in latest politically motivated censorship purge

What you need to understand about what’s happening is that this is the opening salvo of an actual war that the Left will soon take kinetic. First, they silence all the pro-America voices across the ‘net.

Internet Censorship (Video)

After one strike was removed earlier in the week, YouTube hit the Alex Jones Channel with a third strike for a video that had already been appealed and restored

Rogers employees say managers turn a blind eye so call centre workers can lie...

Robinson says she dealt with a lot of calls from customers who were angry about confusing or increasing bills, a concern echoed by other past and present Rogers workers.