
Trump, Hillary, Soros, Trudeau: Michael Rivero This Week

Olympics, Koreas, Missiles, Flu, Aluminum, and Banks

Sarah Sanders holds White House news briefing

https://youtu.be/0yLYNGEQhiM President Donald Trump's press secretary Sarah Sanders holds a news briefing at the White House.    

The mandate to overthrow mainstream news, Jon Rappoport

  By Jon Rappoport Pick just one global issue—vaccination. There is an elite movement underway to install universal shots for everyone, and the voices of major media...

Reality Check: Jeff Sessions’ War on Cannabis – Ben Swann (Video)

Ben Swann takes on Atty Gen. Jeff Sessions' War on Cannabis. Is Sessions' push to recreate the drug war of the 1980's actually going to have a reverse effect and cause even more legalization?

Pentagon: No Evidence Assad Used Chemical Weapons

Suddenly, we are told there is no real reason to believe Bashar al Assad used chemical weapons on his own people

Legal Expert Says Trudeau’s Colten Boushie Comments Could Jeopardize Fair Trial

By reacting emotionally and impulsively, Trudeau and the Justice Minister have sought to impose their own political perspective on a justice system that is supposed to remain impartial

REPORT: US Considering Separate NAFTA Deal With Mexico

There are reports that the United States is considering the possibility of signing a separate NAFTA deal with Mexico, concluding negotiations with that country even as negotiations continue with Canada

DISTURBING: Trudeau Threatening Strict Regulations On Facebook

A Toronto Star report reveals that a source with “direct knowledge” of a meeting between Justin Trudeau and Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg says Trudeau is threatening stricter regulation of Facebook if they don’t “stop the spread of misleading information on their platform.”

Democrat Adam Schiff Fell for Russian Prankster Spoof Promising Compromising Dirt on Donald Trump

Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), the ranking member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI), fell for a spoof by Russian pranksters who promised in a call with the top House Democrat to furnish him with“kompromat”–compromising dirt–on President Donald Trump


The agency previously stated on its website that it embraced transparency and claimed that all of its activities were aimed at “ensuring the safety, security, and liberty of our fellow citizens.”