
Steve Bannon setting Suzanna Reid straight, joins with Piers Morgan. Good Interview!

https://www.facebook.com/thetommyrobinson/videos/1312564078879643/ Please Note: Make sure to click Audio, located in the bottom right corner of video Tommy loves Steve Bannon! This country is calling out for...

MacLeod has the public on her side in fight with Hussen, by Brian Lilley

by Brian Lilley July 15, 2018 Is Lisa MacLeod, a woman elected by her constituents, a woman who has worked in politics and public service for near...

Steve Bannon Talks Trump with Nigel Farage

No commentary here but really entertaining listen, stay till the end for fireworks!

Trump supporters turn out in London a day after protests

Thousands of Trump supporters and right-wing activists took to the nation’s capital on Saturday — a day after anti-Trump protesters had dominated the city

Trump savages London mayor: Look at what is going on in London, I think...

The President mentioned the numerous terrorist attacks across Europe, especially in London, which had four attacks just last year

Canada: Trudeau’s Support for Islamists a Warning to America

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada has an nine-year long record of supporting the Islamist cause while refusing to engage with reformist Muslims

Most Trudeau Cabinet Chumps Remain In Place After Shuffle

Big name failures like McKenna, Hussen, and Morneau stay in their spots

DIVISIVE: After “Un-Canadian” Attack, Ahmed Hussen Must Resign Or Be Fired

Trudeau’s immigration minister is now siding with illegal border crossers and demonizing Canadians who want our border respected. That can’t be allowed

Q ANON: Cooperating witness [Power removed] Peter Strzok (Video)

Q ANON: "Cooperating witness part ONE

Once-banned videos now starting to appear on REAL.video… prepare for massive attacks against Mike...

Explosive Sandy Hook video banned by YouTube now available on REAL.video