Fighting Fake News: Back Door Trick To Enact Censorship?

Fighting fake news gives would-be tyrants a great excuse to censor, however free speech is also being eroded by the equally page and nebulous concepts of terrorism and hate speech. The term fake news rose to prominence right around the time that Donal Trump was elected in November 2016, yet there is hardly a clear and widely-agreed upon definition for the phrase

Michael Wolff and the Death Rattle of Trumpophobia by Conrad Black

Donald Trump is a strange cat and an acquired taste, but he is one of the most vivid, and one of the most astoundingly successful figures of American history

Election Fraud Exposed: Millions Of Dead Voted And Thousands Of Illegals In Critical Swing...

The Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity was disbanded after Democrats obstructed their investigation and several states refused to comply with information requests. President Trump handed the investigation over to the Department of Homeland Security(DHS) and now Democrats will have a hard time blocking the investigation into voter fraud, which a recent Pew research study suggests is rampant.

The Council On Foreign Relations (CFR) And The New World Order

January 12, 2018 in News by Slad via: Galactic Connection | By HumansAreFree For those who may be confused by the controversies surrounding the “New World Order”, a One-World-Government, and American concern over...

How the Clinton Foundation Got Rich off Poor Haitians

Haitian deals appeared to be a quid pro quo for filling the coffers of the Clintons Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/437883/hillarys-america-secret-history-democratic-party-dinesh-dsouza-clinton-foundation

Trudeau Confronted At Town Hall About M-103 & Returning ISIS Fighters

That elitist contempt for Canadians is also shown in his passing of M-103 – which the vast majority of Canadians opposed, and his policy on returning ISIS fighters, which is widely hated by the Canadian people

Oprah, Bannon, Trump, Hillary, Obama, and Assange. Michael Rivero

Gitmo, Swamp, Immigration, Foreign Aid, Space X, and Pot

REPORT: Germany To Abandon Their 2020 Climate Target

As part of what appears to be a new coalition deal, the German government led by Angela Merkel will abandon their 2020 climate target

Let’s Hope Oprah Runs! by Dick Morris

https://www.facebook.com/Deep6TheDeepState/videos/389418644803161/ To listen to video, you many have to turn speaker on, located in the lower right corner of the video... Dick's facebook page HERE        

Trudeau Has RCMP Delete 5,000 Intelligence Records on Muslim Migrants

https://youtu.be/k5iryVe3DrU by Ezra Levant The Rebel January 8, 2018 In his latest video, Ezra Levant discusses Justin Trudeau's recent decision to delete 5,000 pieces of intelligence records on Islamic...