Why are America’s farmers killing themselves in record numbers?

The suicide rate for farmers is more than double that of veterans. Former farmer Debbie Weingarten gives an insider’s perspective on farm life – and how to help

BOMBSHELL REPORT: High profile attorney sought cash for Trump accusers

Documents, emails and text messages reviewed by The Hill suggest that Bloom contacted political action committees supporting Hillary Clinton in her efforts to take down Trump and make a tidy profit at the same time.

DOWN: Trudeau’s Approval Rating Falls Into Negative Territory For First Time In Angus Reid...

For the first time since the 2015 election, the Angus Reid poll shows more Canadians disapprove of Trudeau than approve

Republican Swamp Drowns Judge Roy Moore

Mitch McConnell and his fellow Republican swamp creatures spent over $30 million trying to defeat Judge Moore in that primary election. Let that sink in: $30 million. President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence went to Alabama and campaigned against Judge Moore. The entire Republican leadership campaigned against Judge Moore. In spite of that Herculean effort by the Republican swamp creatures, Moore WON

YouTube threatens to shut down Health Ranger channel over this podcast that discusses the...

Seven weeks after the posting of a podcast that examines the FBI’s corruption and cover-up regarding the Mandalay Bay shooting in Las Vegas, YouTube has threatened to censor the Health Ranger channel for obvious political purposes

What The Hell Is Going On! Trey Gowdy Goes off on Rod Rosenstein Over...

https://youtu.be/KxAkQ4l_AqA WOW Trey Gowdy Just Went Off On Rod Rosenstein MUST WATCH this is breaking news and latest news today and today news and trump...


The doctor’s correspondence, provided by Wikileaks, was critical of how the situation in Haiti was being handled

Trump, Hillary, Fires, Jerusalem, Flu Shots, and Gold, with Michael Rivero

US has lost track of $21 Trillion, cancer scientists committing suicide, Vegas Massacre, sexual harassment

This will be Dick Morris’s last Deep Six show until the new year….

GAME CHANGER: Wife Of DOJ Official Worked For Fusion! with Dick Morris

Bombshell Report Fingers ‘Pedo’ Joe Scarborough In Intern’s Death

With recent attacks on President Donald Trump and accusations of threats of blackmail by Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski, a bombshell report has surfaced