LEADERSHIP: Ford Says Anti-Semitic Al Quds Day “Should Never Be Permitted” In Ontario

Even before officially taking office, Ford is showing strong leadership

Today’s Opening Statement by Judge Jeanine Pirro – June 9th, 2018

There was a time when America celebrated successes together. When we came out with our kids waving our flags and teaching our children the importance of patriotism. Donald Trump is bringing America back, and it's time for the un-American haters to get on board

Trump Calls For Canada To End Supply Management, Says ‘The Gig Is Up’ (Video)

“No tariffs, no barriers, that’s the way it should be and no subsidies,” said Trump

Trump, G7, Spygate, Tariffs, and Rosanne. Michael Rivero

Bildeberg, Deep State/MSM, China, Mexico, and One World

WATCH: Doug Ford’s First Interview As Premier-Designate

After telling CityNews Toronto reporter Cynthia Mulligan that he would give an interview the day after the Election, Doug Ford kept his promise

Austria to Shut Down Seven Mosques and Expel Dozens of Imams

The Austrian government is pursuing a controversial plan as part of a broader effort to address concerns of radicalization among refugee and immigrant communities

Canadian Economy Loses 31,000 Full-Time Jobs

More concerning economic numbers have been released

Trump’s Economy Delivers Highest Level of Job Openings Ever Recorded

The number of job openings for Americans has surged to the highest level ever recorded by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, newly released economic data reveals

Rep. Matt Gaetz DROPS BOMB on Paul Ryan: Today Was the First Time I...

by Jim Hoft Gateway Pundit June 7, 2018 https://youtu.be/W8mL1YX-BHE Rep. Matt Gaetz (R_FL) went on with Lou Dobbs on Wednesday and called out Speaker Paul Ryan for defending...

Police raid scientists who discovered new vaccine dangers by Jon Rappoport

—Two scientists discover that vaccines are contaminated, in the manufacturing process, with many small particles of metals that are toxic to humans when injected. Alarming.