BETRAYED: Whole Foods suspends GMO labeling promise, will continue selling unlabeled GMOs after five-year...

After being purchased by dishonest globalist Jeff Bezos — the same “Dr. Evil” anti-American creep who runs the fake news Washington Post — Whole Foods Market is now reversing five years of promises to consumers by suspending its GMO labeling promise

Senate Race: Debate between Mike Kennedy and Mitt Romney

First and only Republican Primary debate for U.S. Senate against former Massachusetts Governor, Mitt Romney and Dr. Mike Kennedy...

CONFIRMED: Antidepressants and other drugs cause dementia Tuesday

The largest and most detailed study of its kind has just confirmed that a group of chemical drugs known as anticholinergics, which include antidepressants, antispasmodics

Sweden distributes ‘be prepared for war’ leaflet to all 4.8m homes

The Swedish government has begun sending all 4.8m of the country’s households a public information leaflet telling the population, for the first time in more than half a century, what to do in the event of a war

Nolte: After Killing the Muppets with Leftist Propaganda, Disney Murders ‘Star Wars’

To the naked eye, the Walt Disney Company appears infallible

Is being critical of a female politician actually sexist? by Brian Lilley

I worry we are actually at a point where sexism means being critical of women. For anything. Ever

Revolution JK! Thousands Gather, Climb The Gates At 10 Downing

Globalist Eugenicist Clampdown: First they come after Ireland's baibes, then they protect rapist in England... What next in George Orwell's Nightmare Tyranny

Kinder Morgan SHOULD Proceed, by Harvey Oberfeld

The danger to Canada’s Constitutional fabric …. if BC’s obstructionist refusal to accept the almost endless regulatory processes already carried out or acknowledge the responsibilities of the federalist nature of our nation … is greater than any possible damage from an oil spill

REPORT: Doug Ford Wins Final Ontario Leaders Debate (Full Debate Video)

https://youtu.be/k8GPir1uuk4 by Spencer Fernando SpencerFernando.com May 28, 2018 Ford consistently put forward ideas to put money back in taxpayers pockets, while Horwath failed to answer questions about her...