Poll: 77 Percent Believe Traditional Media Guilty of Fake News

A whopping 77 percent of over 800 respondents relayed their distrust for major news organizations in both television and print — a marked increase from the 63 percent that was already skeptical a year ago

WATCH: Elitist McKenna Arrogantly Says She Has “No Time” For Canadians Who Disagree With...

https://youtu.be/A3sxJSoJ888 Guess that democracy thing is too burdensome for the environment minister.   By Spencer Fernando April 2, 2018 The more the Trudeau government struggles, the more angry, arrogant,...

Mitch McConnell Announces Bill to Legalize Hemp Nationwide

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) announced he will introduce a new bill on Monday that would legalize hemp, a non-psychoactive relative of marijuana, as an agricultural product

92% of Canadian families face tax hike of over $2,200 beginning in 2019

“The Trudeau government has repeatedly claimed to cut taxes on the vast majority of families and our findings show that’s not the case…

UK Government Falling Apart, Changes Subject by Kicking Russia

The British police as well as the military scientists engaged in the manufacture of chemical and biological weapons at Porton Down, both state the investigation will take weeks, maybe months, before a formal conclusion can be drawn

Trudeau LOSES Female Support As Approval Rating TANKS!

https://youtu.be/H4k_NBzcKR8 Josh Sigurdson reports on the hilarious downfall of the self proclaimed “feminist” Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau who is now facing his lowest approval...

Turmeric and omega 3s can cure diabetes – but you’ll never hear that from...

Have you ever wondered why diseases like diabetes remain so difficult to treat despite all the incredible advances seen in modern medicine? It’s a common question, but you’ve already missed the point just by asking it

HYPOCRITE: At $1500 Ticket Per Person Fundraiser, Trudeau Tries Pretending He Supports The Middle...

During the fundraiser Trudeau gave a shout-out to billionaire Liberal donor Stephen Bronfman, who was listed in the Paradise Papers as being linked to an offshore Cayman Islands trust

Doug Ford is about to change climate change policy for the whole country —...

Ford’s priorities will lead to an inevitable showdown over Ottawa’s carbon-pricing mandate

Globalism, Trade Wars, The Wall and Guns: Michael Rivero This Week with Goddard

China, South Africa, Social Media, and Education