Canadians Stand in Food Lines while Trudeau gives Billions of Tax Dollars to Other...

Trudeau gives Afghan vets $33 million while homeless Canadian vets stay on the street Justin Trudeau is a GLOBALIST, not a Nationalist! This country is being destroyed from within and its our government which is taking us down...

Trump, Isolation, UN, Hurricanes and Hillary. Michael Rivero – September 19, 2017

Deep State, Globalism, GAB, Vaccines and Missiles

“It’s not legalization”: Following hearings, Don Davies slams Liberal government on proposed cannabis bill

Think Justin Trudeau is fulfilling his promise of legalizing cannabis with Bill C-45? According to Vancouver Kingsway MP Don Davies, you might want to think again

GLOBALISM: Trudeau Given Elitist “Global Citizen” Award By Group Funded By Foreign Governments &...

The elites see Trudeau as the defender of their privileges and power, which is a clear sign that he is opposed to middle-income and working-class Canadians

“hexes, vexes, spells, jinxes, incantations & curses,” part of Hillary’s arsenal featuring Larry Nichols...

https://youtu.be/aAnTfCy44DM Larry Nichols was there back in Arkansas while Bill Clinton was the governor.. Larry Nichols website HERE  

President Trump Addresses The United Nations General Assembly

U.S. President Donald Trump addressed the United Nations, focusing heavily on North Korea, Iran, and state sovereignty

REPORT: Trudeau Planning To Suppress Debate As Parliament Returns

As Parliament returns for the fall session, the Trudeau government is seeking to suppress debate

Millions in foreign funds spent in 2015 federal election to defeat Harper government, report...

Mount Royal University political science professor Duane Bratt says Canadians should be concerned about any kind of foreign involvement in our elections

Dr. Andrew Moulden: Every Vaccine Produces Harm

Dr Moulden died unexpectedly in November of 2013 at age 49

Canadian General Says U.S. Would Not Defend Canada From Ballistic Missiles Under Current Policy

Lt. General Pierre St-Amand – the deputy commander of NORAD – says under current U.S. policy, Canada would not be protected by the U.S. ballistic missile shield