
Donald Trump Says That 9/11 WTC Towers Collapsed Due To Controlled Demolition

https://youtu.be/weNhSOMRiLc Donald Trump Says That 9/11 WTC Towers Collapsed Due To Controlled Demolition    

Trudeau’s Billionaire Island Bahamas Vacation Cost Taxpayers $215,000 – Way More Than Previously Thought

The government tried to downplay the cost, but it was later revealed that the trip cost taxpayers $125,000 – including covering the cost of some of Trudeau’s entourage on a “diplomatic note”, though those individuals were not revealed

Us Air Force Admits They Can Control Weather

The US Air Force and DARPA would like us to believe that they have stopped using HAARP in Alaska for research and experiment. Even then, we all know that there are other HAARP systems out there in the form of radar communication and surveillance systems that are rigged on top of mobile platforms that are deployable anywhere in the world

Hurricanes, Natural Disasters, Trump, Bannon, and Democrats. Michael Rivero

Hillary’s Sour Grapes tour, Election Fraud, and North Korea

Engineered Events could be Cover for False Flag Attack

Was Harvey, Irma, Josie given a little help in power? Man Made Power from the Elitists!

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, September 9, 2017

Though countless forms of anthropogenic damage to the climate system have all taken their toll, now the full fury of weather warfare is being released on the US population. Paradigm disintegration is not coming, it is here, and will continue to unfold

Pat Buchanan on The Laura Ingraham Show: Topics Include Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell

Pat Buchanan: 'The Bush Establishment Republican Ideology Is All Over; If the GOP Wants to Be Productive, Work For Trump's Agenda'

EXPOSED: Hurricane Harvey & Hurricane Irma Man-Made Geoengineering

https://youtu.be/3E82dfAnG2U Former TV weatherman and meteorologist Scott Stevens joins Alex Jones and explains, if not details what weather modification is all about and that its...

Bannon on 60 Minutes: Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell ‘Trying to Nullify 2016 Election’

Steve Bannon, the ousted White House strategist, sat for an interview with CBS News' Charlie Rose on Wednesday afternoon in Washington. The full interview will air Sunday on 60 Minutes with portions of it set to run Thursday on CBS This Morning

Geoengineering Hidden In Plain Sight For Decades – Dane Wigington

lead researcher for Geoengineeringwatch.org, Dane Wigington, also breaks down evidence on why he believes government weather manipulation may be to blame for the wildfires and drought in California