Bannon on 60 Minutes: Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell ‘Trying to Nullify 2016 Election’

Steve Bannon, the ousted White House strategist, sat for an interview with CBS News' Charlie Rose on Wednesday afternoon in Washington. The full interview will air Sunday on 60 Minutes with portions of it set to run Thursday on CBS This Morning

Geoengineering Hidden In Plain Sight For Decades – Dane Wigington

lead researcher for Geoengineeringwatch.org, Dane Wigington, also breaks down evidence on why he believes government weather manipulation may be to blame for the wildfires and drought in California

2,139 DACA Recipients Convicted or Accused of Crimes Against Americans

The majority of crimes by DACA recipients include: “Alien smuggling, assaultive offenses, domestic violence, drug offenses, DUI, larceny and thefts, criminal trespass and burglary, sexual offenses with minors, other sex offenses and weapons offenses,” USCIS has stated

Stench of Anti-Semitism Wafts from Vancouver City Hall

How anti-Semitism has been give a pass at Vision's far left Vancouver City Hall....

Trump, Sessions, Hillary, SSRI’s, Wildfires and Hurricanes. Michael Rivero – September 5, 2017

North Korea, Antifa, Cryptos, plus Yuan, Oil and Gold Guest's website

Dr. Tim Ball Crushes Climate Change: The Biggest Deception In History

President Trump was correct to withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement

BORDER CRISIS: 250,000 More People May Try Crossing Illegally Into Canada

While many thousands of people have already crossed into Canada illegally from the United States, that may just be the beginning

Western Canada Separatist group looking for supporters

The Western Independence Party of Alberta is on the hunt for signatures in support of officially registering the party within the next six months. Close to 8,000 signatures are required, and so far the group has managed to acquire about half that amount

Rex Murphy: ‘Antifa’ are despicable fascists – call them that, openly, now

Just because a group chooses to call itself anti-fascist, and chooses to say it’s against hate, there is no obligation on the press to accept the self-promotion of a violent masked mob. A lazy and timid press, however, does just that