The CIA documented long-range planning for a drugged and debilitated society: OPIOIDS ARE A...

Note: I'm reprinting a piece I wrote about a year ago. In it, you'll see a CIA mind-control document that calls for drugs fulfilling certain specific requirements

Sex Allegations, Clintons, Pedos, Aborted Babies, & Toxic Water. Michael Rivero

https://youtu.be/4zSSxnqX2EI Trump, Middle East, Las Vegas, Oil Pipelines, and Fake News Sites Guest's website: http://whatreallyhappened.com/ Produced by http://www.HoweStreet.com Stay Informed! Receive our Weekly Recap of thought provoking articles,...

G. Edward Griffin on False Flags, Global Cashless Society, JFK Files & Elite Creepers

Josh Sigurdson and John Sneisen talk with G. Edward Griffin, the founder of Freedom Force International and the man behind many books including 'The Creature From Jekyll Island'

FRASER INSTITUTE: Climate Plans Will Cost Provinces Billions, While Doing Almost Nothing For The...

“Ontario’s renewable expansion has come at a stunningly high cost, with electricity prices in Ontario having risen by 71 percent from 2008 to 2016, over twice the average growth in electricity prices elsewhere in Canada

The Ty Bollinger bits from the “Christ Alone” movie

Ty Bollinger's multi-tentacled conspiracy-theory

Las Vegas Survivors Speak Out, Multiple Shooters In Multiple Locations

This groundbreaking new collection of eyewitness accounts and police scanner recordings reveals the undeniable proof that there were multiple shooters scattered in multiple locations during the Las Vegas massacre

The purpose of mainstream media is thought control and suppression: How to find the...

“From mainstream media to social media. From ‘real’ news to ‘fake’ news. From Facebook political pokes to Twitter Trumpisms. It’s getting more and more difficult to navigate the wide-open waters of the information age,” writes Gary McGee for Waking Times about the severity of this widespread problem.

The National Republican Party Is Pathetic! by Chuck Baldwin

Writing for SonsOfLiberty.com, Tim Brown writes, “It seems that Bezos’ CIA-ties Washington Post has decided to run a hit piece on Moore in which allegations by a woman who was then 14-years-old claims that Moore touched her sexually, and that three other teen girls at the time he was in his early thirties dated him and they hugged and kissed

Trump is already the most successful U.S. president since Ronald Reagan by Conrad Black

The Canadian media has almost uniformly bought into the line of the Trump-hating national U.S. media, that he is already a failed and probably illegitimate president

“Meltdown!” Trump “trolls” UN Climate Conference (Video)

The American administration can't officially leave the UN's Paris Agreement on climate change until 2020. But that doesn't mean that President Trump is going to play ball with the UN and the climate change alarmists for the next three years