Zebra Message Received, Operations About To Begin, Trump Reveals He Has A Secret –...
The [DS] is trying everything to get the people to turn against Trump, everything they are doing is having the opposite effect.
I think this is a serious contribution to understanding ‘western medicine. ‘ by Brian...
“HART is a group of highly qualified UK doctors, scientists, economists, psychologists and other academic experts.
How Much Trouble Are Canadians In? Richardo Bosi, John Wilson & Chris Sky
Riccardo Bosi, John Wilson & Chris Sky: Are We under Martial Law? It’s God’s war & We are Winning
[DS] Does Not Have The Votes, Cyber Exercise Rescheduled, 10 Days, Darkness, Panic In...
The [DS] is panicking, there is panic in DC. They know they cannot get the votes to cheat with ballots. They are now moving in a different direction.
Trump Rally At Madison Square Garden – Live Stream
Former President and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is holding a campaign rally at Madison Square Garden, New York City, where he will be joined by a variety of famous guests
Black hat Trump most important video of the year
Judgment is coming
Replicon Vaccines: The Next Crime of the Century?
Three years ago, Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche famously remarked that the Covid vaccines have a million different ways to kill you
Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News with Dane Wiginigton
"ScienceAdviser: Geoengineering in the sky with diamonds" (science.org). Seriously? From Yahoo News: "high levels of ultrafine particles in the atmosphere over long periods of time are significantly associated with increased non-accidental deaths, particularly from cardiovascular and respiratory diseases"
Briden Solutions Emergency Food “Black” Friday On Now Until November 7th
Today is the day, Briden Solutions "Black" Friday Sales begins...