Give A Space In Canada, “Call It Khalistan” Recommends Diplomat From India, by Brad...

“If Khalistan is to be made, it is in Canada, never in India.”

The UN’s DARK Agenda: What You’re Not Being Told About Agenda 2030

In this video, Bev dives into the UN’s Summit for the Future and the true intentions behind their Pact for the Future and Agenda 2030.

[DS] Ready To Unleash A Cyber Attack On Elections,80% Of People Want Voter Id,...

The [DS] knows [KH] will not be able to pull this off. They are now implementing the October surprises but they are failing, the people are not believing it.

Public Health Agency of Canada Releases First Report on Psychological Manipulation of Citizens

Under Chief Medical Officer Theresa Tam, the Public Health Agency of Canada has launched a behavioural science office and released a report on persuasion tactics for compliance, raising ethical concerns about transparency in how taxpayer money is used to influence public behaviour

Quebec suspends 11 teachers for promoting ‘Islamist’ beliefs at Montreal public school

"Very little teaching of the actual curriculum took place, with science and sex education taking a back seat to religious doctrine."

Parents outraged after ‘sex-ed’ program leader uses pedo-friendly language in school presentation– on Vancouver...

Parents expressed outraged after Kerri Isham, founder of a school sex-ed group, referred to pedophiles as ‘minor attracted persons’ during a Grade 9 presentation, a term aimed at downplaying the perversity of pedophilia.

BC Conservatives Say They Will Talk To The Greens ?, by Brian Peckford

If the Conservatives get in a position where the Green Party would give them a majority they would talk to them about their support.

🚨Breaking🚨Dr. Byram Bridle Discloses Public Health Deceit

Dr. Byram Bridle is our guest today and he has some explosive new evidence garnered from public health records ordered released by the court that show how much of public health messaging constituted deceit or outright lies

Dr. James Thorp | Sacrifice: How the Deadliest Vaccine in History Targeted the Most...

Dr. James Thorp shares his important new book "Sacrifice: How the Deadliest Vaccine in History Targeted the Most Vulnerable".

Did Kevin Falcon know about Weather Modification back in 2010?

I show a tape that shows Kevin DENYING at a recent town hall that he knows anything about weather modification! Being a member of the Globalist WEF, they would have informed him