Tucker on the incredible popularity of Black Lives Matters
Black Lives Matter may be the single most powerful political party in the United States
It’s All Happening, Next Phase Of Economic Plan Set In Motion – Swamp Creatures...
The [CB]/MSM are pushing their agenda to bring the economy down again, the second wave is here but the people are not buying it, businesses are opening up and people are going back to work
Was George Floyd’s death another Jussie Smollett style HATE HOAX?! You decide! Must Watch!...
Ignore the ban message above, click start button, should start within 20 seconds
Black Lives Matters Invades Innisfail, Alberta
On Saturday, hoards of Antifa and Black Lives Matter radicals descended on the small town of Innisfail to “re-educate” them out of their supposed racist ways.
Coronavirus hype biggest political hoax in history
The response to the coronavirus is hyped. And in time, this hype will be revealed as politically hoaxed
A Video Every Canadian MUST SEE He is Risking his life to Inform You
We've been making tremendous progress in a short period of time, and the response from all of you has been fantastic.
White America, Black America, the set-up, and the con by Jon Rappoport
Whether you believe in God the Creator or evolution or something else as the explanation for the human race, progress was meant to involve the individual coming out of the group and staking his claim to a life of his own making, according to his best vision of his greatest thoughts and values
Trump Ready To Remove Another Globalists System – Everything Is Simply A Happening, The Narrative...
Everything Is Simply A Happening, The Narrative Has You, The “How” Will Be Presented
TRUE TOLL Coronavirus deaths ‘may be less than half official toll – as docs...
The NHS has reported that over 41,000 people have died in hospitals due to the pandemic.
But Prof Sikora said this figure could in fact be much less -
Teen Who Makes Teddy Bears for Children of Fallen Police Officers Receives Death Threats...
A teenage girl who makes teddy bears for children of fallen police officers is not receiving death threats for supporting police officers