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California candidate for Governor promises free health care for all illegal immigrants in latest...

Gavin Newsom is running for Governor in California, and he’s already bragging about his plans to drive the state into financial oblivion

CBC’s TV Ratings Are A Disaster

Out of the 30 most watched shows in Canada between August 13-19, not a single one was from CBC

CNN: Breitbart is “Hate News”, Targets 4000 Advertisers

https://youtu.be/I_eWBPpCBiU CNN Boosts Left-Wing Campaign to Censor Breitbart; Approves ‘Blacklisting’ by Joel B. Pollak CNN swept aside journalistic ethics on Sunday by endorsing a blacklisting campaign with...

Trump Hits Canada Over Trade Talks: U.S. Shouldn’t Have to ‘Buy’ Allies with ‘Bad’...

The president began his tough trade talk by declaring there is “political necessity to keep Canada in the new NAFTA deal,” adding if the U.S. and Canada do not reach a “fair deal,” following “decades of abuse,” then its northern neighbor will find itself “out,” of the agreement

Trump Approved Air Force 2 to Transport McCain Casket to DC – Then Family...

President Trump approved Air Force 2 to fly John McCain’s casket to Washington D.C. at the request of McCain and his family, yet the DC elitists still turned the funeral into a Trump-bashing session.

A Anon “Do you believe actual ‘polls’ were taken?”

https://youtu.be/c2JtJ3aEJI4 Q Anon "Do you believe actual 'polls' were taken?" JustInformedNews.com Twitter.com/Just_Informed Patreon.com/justinformedtalk    

You’re About To Witness An Impossibility – Pedogate!!!

It was 17 sealed indictments in Washington DC, it's now 31. Heads are about to roll. And President Donald Trump has played the Obama-Clinton crime cartel like a fiddle

John McCain Exposed By Vietnam Vets And Pow’s

These Vietnam Vets and POW boys have anything but love and respect for the late senator

PATHETIC: Trudeau Spent $4.5 BILLION Of Our Taxpayer Dollars For A 65-Year-Old Pipeline That...

Kinder Morgan totally played the Trudeau government, and Canadian taxpayers are paying the price

White Rock Podcast: Tap Water, Heavy Metals, and Health Risks. Ross Buchanan

Residents line up to get Metro Vancouver Water. Ross Buchanan is a Public Heath Advocate Read Peace Arch News Article ” White Rock Water Information Session Indicated Concerns, Anger“