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UNDERCOVER EXPOSÉ: New Project Veritas Video Shows Shocking Extent of Voter Fraud During 2018...

Unbelievable undercover footage released by Project Veritas this week highlights the disturbing impact of voter fraud on the 2018 midterm elections, with new video showing New Hampshire residents admitting they cast their ballot multiple times in different states

NYC Mayor De Blasio tells citizens: We own your bodies, and we can force...

by Mike Adams April 11, 2019 (Natural News) NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio has declared that residents do not own their own bodies. The city of New...

CARPAY: B.C. Human Rights ruling is an affront to a free society

For those who cherish a free society, the recent BC Human Rights Tribunal (BCHRT) ruling in Oger v. Whatcott is an alarming step toward a darker future in which the government actively punishes citizens who object to political correctness

Anthony Furey: The Canadian government plans on policing the internet

Surprise! Just as the government starts feeling the heat on Lavscam, they announce that they have to regulate social media

The little fascists of California, by Jon Rappoport

First, in 2015, there was SB277, a bill that was passed into law by the CA state legislature and signed by California Governor Jerry Brown—fascists all. Under the guise of protecting children’s health, the law canceled all vaccine exemptions except one issued by a medical doctor

Trudeau Lawsuit Threat Against Scheer a Political Landmine – Spencer Fernando

https://youtu.be/rwT5YKVcudc talkdigitalnetwork Published on 9 Apr 2019 SUBSCRIBE 5.8K Why Did One of Canada’s Richest Families Get 12 Million from Trudeau? Guest's website: https://www.spencerfernando.com/ Produced by https://www.HoweStreet.com Don't miss...

Praise Cruz! Texas Senator takes aim at Big Tech, proposes Sec. 230 reform and...

Facebook decided to ban “white nationalist” and “white separatist” content on their platforms, even though they continue to allow content from Antifa and other controversial groups on their platforms

Obama White House counsel Gregory Craig charged by federal prosecutors over alleged Ukraine lies

“We expect an indictment by the DC US Attorney’s Office at the request of the National Security Division. Mr. Craig is not guilty of any charge and the government’s stubborn insistence on prosecuting Mr. Craig is a misguided abuse of prosecutorial discretion.”

Few Laws to Fight Political Corruption. Bob Mackin

Scheer’s possible defense against Trudeau slander suit

Barr testifies ‘spying did occur’ on Trump campaign, amid reported review of informant’s role

By Brooke Singman  Fox News April 10, 2019 Attorney General Barr to review FBI conduct during Russia probe Reaction and analysis from 'The Russia Hoax' author Gregg Jarrett and...