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Snopes Gets Snoped… Again – ‘Fact Check’ Site Caught Misleading Readers On...

Are they capable of being forthright with respect to ‘fact checking’ a claim that is at the heart of such a divisive and sensitive issue?

Why The Hell Should Harper Have To Tell Trudeau Before Visiting The White House?

Harper plans to meet with the current US National Security Advisor John Bolton – who Harper knew from his time as PM when Bolton was the US Ambassador to the United Nations

A Letter from Maxime Bernier

   Friend, Justin Trudeau has totally bungled our trade relationship with the US. We knew right from the start, after Trump’s election, that we would...

Poll: 72% of Americans Believe Establishment Media Deliberately Report Fake News

by John Nolte June 28, 2018 More than two-thirds of Americans, a full 72 percent, believe “traditional news outlets knowingly report false or misleading stories,” according...

White Brits soon a minority in Britain’s second largest city, where 50,000 cannot speak...

A report shows that white Britons will soon be a minority in Birmingham. In the West Midland’s largest city, almost 50,000 of the 1.1 million inhabitants cannot speak English

FDA finally approves the USA’s first medicine derived from marijuana – is full decriminalization...

In a move tens of millions of Americans never thought they’d live to see, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has just approved the country’s first medicine derived from marijuana, which has led supporters of recreational pot use to believe full decriminalization may be coming next

Trudeau is failing Canada on trade at every turn, by Brian Lilley

It should be headline news everywhere in Canada, there should be follow-up story upon follow-up story

More than 2,300 suspected child sex offenders arrested in nationwide bust

A raid carried out against suspected child sex offenders netted more than 2,300 arrests across the U.S., the Justice Department announced Wednesday as the attorney general vowed to “strike back against these repugnant crimes.”

Curt Schilling Backs Pro-Trump ‘QAnon’ Conspiracy Theory

The former Red Sox pitcher joins Roseanne Barr as a promoter of perhaps the Internet’s most convoluted tangle of Trump-friendly hoo-hah. WILL SOMMER 06.26.18 10:23 PM...