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Rand Paul Reveals What Trump Did For Haiti As A Private Citizen…

Paul appeared on NBC’s “Meet the Press” with host Chuck Todd where he revealed that Donald Trump, as a private citizen, was a major financial backer of medical mission trips to Haiti which resulted in life-changing surgeries for hundreds of Haitians

Trump, Bannon, Deep State, and Chelsea’s Wedding: Michael Rivero

Fake News Awards, Hawaii, Las Vegas, and New California

The medical establishment is finally accepting it: Diabetes CAN be reversed, according to “groundbreaking...

  by Isabelle Z. January 16, 2018 (Natural News) There is plenty that the pharmaceutical industry doesn’t want you to know, and one of those inconvenient truths just...

Geoengineering, Weather Modification, and Weaponizing Nature (Video)

A Presentation by Jim Lee of ClimateViewer News given at the Freedom Force International’s 3rd Congress in Phoenix, Arizona

American Psychiatric Association warns left-wing psychiatrists to stop “diagnosing” President Trump without a medical...

In the wake of the mainstream media’s glorious failure to conjure up enough fake news about President Trump’s alleged ties to Russia to get him impeached, the official narrative has now shifted to claiming that the billionaire businessman is mentally ill, and thus unfit for office

BROKEN ECONOMY: 33% Of Canadians Can’t Cover Monthly Bills & Debt Payments

  by Spencer Fernando SpencerFernando.com January 15, 2018 Meanwhile, the elites keep telling us how ‘strong’ the economy is… There is yet more evidence of the fact that Canada’s...

Chloramine in Drinking Water (White Rock, BC) Causing Collateral Health Damage

Chloramine is a toxin added to the drinking water. It is a secondary disinfectant used by many states as a primary disinfectant. Chloramine is ammonia added to chlorine to make chloramine. Chlorine has been shown from animal and human research to cause breast cancer and miscarriages in humans

The Trudeau Foundation Exposed

You thought "The Clinton Foundation" was bad? Pay to play politics is no different in Canada, check this out!

Fighting Fake News: Back Door Trick To Enact Censorship?

Fighting fake news gives would-be tyrants a great excuse to censor, however free speech is also being eroded by the equally page and nebulous concepts of terrorism and hate speech. The term fake news rose to prominence right around the time that Donal Trump was elected in November 2016, yet there is hardly a clear and widely-agreed upon definition for the phrase

Michael Wolff and the Death Rattle of Trumpophobia by Conrad Black

Donald Trump is a strange cat and an acquired taste, but he is one of the most vivid, and one of the most astoundingly successful figures of American history