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Las Vegas: Distressing New Video and More Questions about the Secret Investigation of the...

https://youtu.be/oojIv5bamjI November 13, 2017 Catherine Lombardo, an attorney representing many shooting victims, obtained video surveillance footage from a local business that shows a woman’s body being...

Monsanto’s Dicamba Herbicide ​Destroyed 3.6 Million Acres of Soybean Across ​the US

Farmers in 25 states submitted more than 2,700 claims to state agricultural agencies against D​icamba for destroying 3.6 million acres of soybeans

Christian Teacher Suspended for ‘Misgendering’ Pupil

A teacher has been suspended and could lose his job after allegations he referred to a pupil who was born female, but “self-identifies” as a boy, as a girl

George Soros: ‘I am a God Who Controls America and the New World Order’...

Billionaire globalist George Soros has claimed that he is “some kind of God” and that “normal rules don’t apply” to him

Bombshell: Hillary Clinton ‘Pedophile Sex Tape’ About To Be Released…

News has emerged that disgraced Hollywood actor Kevin Spacey set-up a child grooming agency for Hollywood and D.C. power players. And...

Remembering Civilian Death Toll, by Jim Hume

by Jim Hume Jim Hume - The Old Islander November 11th, 2017 When we remember the fallen we sometimes forget events like November 14, 1940, an ear-nipping...

Roy Moore Accuser Is 3X Divorcee Who — ‘Claimed Several Pastors Made Sexual Advances...

Corfman has been divorced three times, filed for bankruptcy three times and has reportedly “claimed several pastors at various churches made sexual advances at her.”

Vancouver imam condemns Halloween, Remembrance Day as “reprehensible”

https://youtu.be/BZDMp-bwgWY by Christopher Wilson Rebel Commentator November 10. 2017 Vancouver Imam Younas Kathrada has made headlines for all the wrong reasons and a troubling October 30th post on his personal...

The Republican establishment is a total disgrace for blocking cannabis medicine for wounded veterans...

The Veterans Equal Access amendment was blocked by the Republican-led U.S. House, ensuring that Big Pharma continues to cash in on the biological destruction of returning veterans

FAIL: Notley Tries Dodging Question By Accusing Opponent Of “Mansplaining”

Apparently it’s easier to try and make your opponents seems sexist than actually answer questions honestly