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Trump Was Right! UN Admits Paris “Climate” Scheme Is Useless

According to a press release put out by the dictators club about the UN Environment Program’s Emissions Gap Report, even if every government and tyrant that signed up for the Paris regime were to actually obey, it would represent “only a third of what is needed to avoid worst impacts of climate change.”

REPORT: Number Of Homeless Canadian Veterans Has Risen 62% Since 2015, the year the...

It’s outrageous that the Trudeau government is building shelters for those who entered Canada illegally while our homeless Veterans are left to fend for themselves

Hillary Files, JFK Files, Paradise Papers, Trump and Trudeau… Michael Rivero

Texas, Las Vegas, New York, Hollywood and the Patriot Act

New York Times confirms Natural News investigation: Mumps now spread mostly by vaccinated children

  by Mike Adams November 7, 2017 (Natural News) The New York Times is now confirming that Natural News has been right all along about the real cause...

Massive 13 million page leak called “Paradise Papers” will soon expose many celebrities and...

https://youtu.be/xuxun9YG_bA  News by Slad November 7, 2017 Summary: A little bit of background to the Paradise Papers. The papers are a huge batch of leaked documents mostly from offshore law firm...

Good Guy with a Gun: Stephen Willeford Named as Man Who Stopped Texas Shooter

Local law enforcement officials reported that the gunman dropped his weapon after being shot at by the “local citizen

Roger Stone, Darren McBreen Reveal Shooters of President Kennedy Proving Conspiracy

JFK Shooters Revealed | Roger Stone And Darren McBreen

Tucker Carlson WIPES THE FLOOR WITH Justin Trudeau

Tucker Carlson completely Rip Canadian minister Justin Trudeau To shreds, he didn't see this coming. Michelle Rempel is Tucker's guest