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Multiple shooters in Vegas: the standard progression of events in a staged attack

Multiple weapons. Therefore, the strong possibility of multiple shooters. Therefore, do an actual investigation. Unless that is not the goal. The police in Vegas have already said there was just one shooter. They don't explain how they came to that conclusion. They never do.

Terror Attack In Edmonton: Officer Stabbed, Pedestrians Run Down, ISIS Flag Seized

  by Spencer Fernando SpencerFernando.com Sunday October 1, 2007 “There were people flying and everything. I’m shocked — I just see people flying.” –  Witness Edmonton has been hit...

Main Reasons For Geoengineering (aka Chemtrail) Programs (Video)

Jordan's thoughts on the main reasons for geoengineering programs Internal Purification from Vaccines, Chemtrails, GMO's, etc..

Rising up against the Oligarchs does not equal socialism by Jon Rappoport

The Oligarchs---bankers, mega-corporate CEOs, financiers, government leaders, intelligence agencies---collude to cut out competition so they can stand alone at the summit of the mountain

JFK Had Ordered Full Withdrawal From Vietnam: Solid Evidence

(Defense Secretary Robert McNamara, General Maxwell Taylor and President Kennedy, January 25, 1963. Photo credit: JFK Library) PBS Vietnam Series: Glossing over JFK’s Exit Strategy   by James K....

The US Government Will Create a Cryptocurrency — And You Will Be Forced To...

Fedcoin refers to cryptocurrency and/or protocol established by a central bank. National banks could forge their own ‘bitcoin’ with comparative ease and bitcoin consultants have sketched possible scenarios on how

Pentagon paid for patriotism at NFL games by Jon Rappoport

If politics is the last refuge of scoundrels, as the old saying goes, then constant calls for Unity is the last refuge of politicians

EXCLUSIVE: Liberals plan to build refugee camps on seven Canadian military bases — Taxpayers...

The Canadian military has been ordered by Justin Trudeau’s Liberals to draft plans to house more than 6,000 Muslim migrants on a long-term basis at military bases, according to documents obtained exclusively by The Rebel

Climatologist, Judith Curry, Says The Idea of Punishing ‘Climate ‘Deniers’ Is Ludicrous (Video)

Judith Curry, a climatologist and the former chair of the School for Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at Georgia Tech, dismissed journalists’ demand for climate skeptics to be punished, saying the idea is ludicrous