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Why Has Trudeau Been Silent On Burkina Faso Attack That Killed Two Canadians?

  by Spencer Fernando SpencerFernando.com August 14, 2017 He tweeted about the horrible attack in Charlottesville, but why hasn’t he tweeted about two Canadians being brutally murdered? After the...

VIDEO: “Racism Is Evil” Says Trump In New Charlottesville Remarks

After two days of criticism following his initial statement following the Charlottesville attack, U.S. President Donald Trump issued new remarks condemning neo-Nazis, white supremacists, the KKK, and hate groups

Alex Jones Describes the Globalist Strategy to Incite Race War in America

Alex Jones Describes the Globalist Strategy to Incite Race War in America George Soros and his friends in the Deep State are working to bring race war to America in order to impose martial law and destroy the Constitution....

After banning “conspiracy theory” websites from its search engine, will Google remove CNN for...

Google continues to make George Orwell’s book “1984” a reality by censoring free speech and free flow of information

National Gallery Commissions Anti-White Video With Public Money

https://youtu.be/RuFTHD_gTjc   by Jack Montgomery 12 Aug 2017 National Galleries Scotland, the National Gallery, London, and the Heritage Lottery Fund have commissioned a video in which white people are...

Best explanation yet of what happened in Charlottesville: Stefan Molyneux and Faith Goldy report...

the Left is calling for cultural extermination, yet crying out that they are somehow the victims in all this...

Lying Australian press and the Vaxxed scandal: what they’re not telling you about film...

Who are they? Vaccine-company CEOs? Three drunks in bar? A few snowflakes who are "triggered" by the presentation of ideas they haven't been trained to believe?

10 Companies that Secretly Control the World (Video)

Talk about 'Connecting the dots...' check this video out.

Milo Yiannopoulos joins Alex Jones on Infowars

Milo Yiannoppolous on Infowars (Full Interview 90 minutes) The Alex Jones Show

Docs show lack of oversight in Trudeau’s “cozy” $20M deal with Clintons

https://youtu.be/DS459LPkP-M by Brian Lilley TheRebel.media August 11, 2017 By now you’ve heard that global and globalist heart throb Justin Trudeau has committed to giving $20 million to the Clintons to...