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This Week With Michael Rivero – ISIS, Fake News, Constitution Free Zones, and Much...

https://youtu.be/x7xdXJcgZis   Published on 7 Aug 2017 Seth Rich, Mueller, Soros, Sessions, and Al Gore Guest's website: http://www.whatreallyhappened.com Produced by http://www.HoweStreet.com Stay Informed! Receive our Weekly Recap of thought provoking articles, podcasts...

“Global Warming: An Inconvenient Lie”

Global warming is one of the most heated debates of our time, because it involves government policy that will profoundly affect our lives forever more

DANGEROUS: Canada’s Debt Mountain Rivals Pre-Crisis Historical Peaks

History shows that excessive debt is dangerous and always exacts a high price. Yet, those in power are acting as if there’s no problem at all

Jeff Sessions Compromised! Proof He’s Covering Up For Deep State!

We have the proof now! Sessions is compromised! Tom Heneghan has heard reports he's been offered a $15 million bribe!

Canada approves three types of genetically engineered potatoes

Three types of potatoes genetically engineered by an Idaho company to resist the pathogen that caused the Irish potato famine are safe for the environment and safe to eat, Canadian officials said Thursday.

BC Politics: Pick-a-Park Weather – and Thank the CRD, by Jim Hume

by Jim Hume The Old Islander August 4, 2017 . It’s pick-a-park weather on Vancouver Island with a long list of getaways to choose from. It is a...

Clyde Lewis – San Francisco Chemtrails/Geoengineering Awareness Forum, 7-29-17

Clyde Lewis, host of Ground Zero Radio, speaking at the San Francisco Chemtrails/Geoengineering Awareness Forum at San Francisco

GLOBALIST HYPOCRITE: Al Gore Attacks Oil Sands As “Using The Sky As An Open...

If Al Gore really wanted to have credibility, he would live in a small energy-efficient shack – the same time of place his policies would force the rest of us to live in

Too Much Official Silence on White Rock Water Concerns?

Is any amount of Arsenic, Manganese, Chloramine and other chemicals safe in your water?

Trudeau/Liberals’ Laxity Encouraging Lawless Immigration

Prime Minister Trudeau's smiling welcome of legitimate refugees has gotten around ..and now THOUSANDS of illegals are arriving in Canada ... to hell with our immigration processes or laws.