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Virginia Shooter, Prescription Drugs, Pedo Arrests, and Amazon Foods Michael Rivero This Week!

Virginia Shooter, Prescription Drugs, Pedo Arrests, and Amazon Foods

NDP/Greens Deserve Chance to Govern, by Harvey Oberfeld

The Liberals say they are just following proper Parliamentary procedures … but there’s MUCH more to it than that. Photo of NDP Leader and about to become Premier of British Columbia, John Horgan (right), and Andrew Weaver (left) of the BC Green Party...

WATCH: Trudeau LIES Repeatedly About Endangering National Security

In Question Period, Justin Trudeau repeatedly lied about endangering our national security and the security of our allies by letting China buy Norsat

The Deep State is Biggest Threat to the World

Following last week's horrific Congressional baseball shooting in Alexandria, Virginia, the U.S. Senate used it as an opportunity to show unity by passing a sanctions bill against Russia - targeting their defense, intelligence, banking, mining, transportation, and industrial sectors

Facebook, the CIA, and the Clintons, by Jon Rappoport

Since Facebook went public with an IPO (Initial Public Offering) of stock in 2012, I’ve been following the trail of its stock price

Roger Stone Wants President Trump to Legalize Marijuana

Roger Stone, a close confidant of President Donald Trump, is on a mission to convince Trump to legalize marijuana through a new lobbying group

REPORT: Plot To Oust Theresa May If She Fails On “Hard Brexit”

According to reports, the UK Conservative Party is plotting to oust Theresa May if she gives in to pressure to water-down the approach to Brexit

Staying true to liberty: Libertarian Party sees surge in support after Bernier’s loss

Maxime Bernier was the most libertarian candidate in the CPC leadership race, which is partly why after his unsuccessful bid, the Libertarian Party of Canada adopted his freedom friendly policies and offered him the leadership position in their party

BRAINWASHED: Climate change activists have been convinced to support the very thing that will...

If there is one thing people ought to know by now, it’s that you can’t believe everything you see on TV or read on the internet

Secret Rulers of the World – Bohemian Grove – Alex Jones & Mike Hanson...

From Jon Ronson's series "World of Wonder" on British Television