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Dr. Tim Ball Crushes Climate Change: The Biggest Deception In History

With a 50-year academic career focusing on Historical Climatology, Dr. Tim Ball is uniquely qualified to address man-made climate change, and he demonstrates that it is a flat-out hoax. Thinking people everywhere should get multiple copies of this book and hand them out to everyone they know. ⁃ TN Editor

ICE Raids Dozens of Convenience Stores in MASSIVE Move… But Look What the Media’s...

Over 60 people were arrested, and already 35 of them have been indicted by a Federal grand jury, with federal conspiracy charges for money laundering, distributing controlled substances and trafficking contraband cigarettes

EXCLUSIVE: Refugees Fight Canadians with Rocks, Bricks

Over one thousand Syrian refugees were welcomed into Hamilton, Ontario. However, one year after the newcomers arrived, local attitudes are shifting

Postmedia’s death will be a catastrophe — and nobody knows what to do about...

by Paul Adams iPolitics Insights June 16, 2017 There’s a civic disaster brewing in Canada with its news industry. The public doesn’t understand it. Policy makers dare not...

Canada: Syrian Muslim refugee (father of six) going to trial for sexually assaulting 6...

Soleimen Soleimen Hajj has pleaded not guilty to the charges, according to court documents obtained by 630 CHED Edmonton, Alberta

Clinton Connection: More Attorneys Found Dead In Wasserman Schultz Florida District!

https://youtu.be/YW46gdfXciQ News by Slad June 16, 2017 More Attorneys Found Dead In Wasserman Schultz Florida District! Three high profile attorneys have been found dead in Debbie Wasserman...

How The American Left Made Political Violence The New Normal

The tendency of the media has been, however, to blame the rise of Donald Trump for this violence. They blame Trump’s rhetoric for eliciting violent response from the left – a pure example of “she was wearing a short skirt, so the rape was inevitable” logic

Next Liberal plan? Raid pensions to fund risky infrastructure schemes

This proposal would "entice" large pension funds -- and possibly even the Canada Pension Plan -- to "invest" in infrastructure projects

Lead developer of HPV vaccine admits it’s a giant, deadly scam

Dr. Harper, a former vaccine research scientist for Merck, said she wouldn't be able to sleep at night unless she aired the truth about HPV vaccines

SOURCES: Hillary Clinton to be prosecuted under RICO Act, may face prison time for...

For decades Bill and Hillary Clinton have gotten away with just about anything they’ve wanted to — and it’s been a lot