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Canada’s Gender Identity Law Set to Murder Free Speech – Will the US Follow?

Canada: Dr. Jordan Peterson is in the fight of his life over political correctness, risking his career to stop the government from forcing citizens to use politically-motivated speech via hate speech laws.

Alberta Separatism on the Rise: Blame Notley and the National Conspiracy

So far, over 31% of Albertans want to secede...

Canada Must End All Payments To UN Climate Fund

All of that money is taken from Canadian taxpayers, and then sent to the United Nations – who distributes it countries “fighting” climate change. The payments are part of the Copenhagen Accord of 2009, which set a goal of developed countries sending $100 billion to undeveloped countries.

HORRIBLE: Pakistan To Execute Man For “Blasphemy” On Facebook

Pakistan has previously asked Facebook and Twitter to help them identify users sharing “blasphemous” content, not just in Pakistan, but around the world

Katie Hopkins: Paris Accord Is ‘Complete Fraud,’ US ‘Signed Away Billions’

DailyMail.com global columnist Katie Hopkins called the Paris climate deal an "absolute fraud," and said President Trump has shown "true leadership" by ditching it

Judge Jeanine Pirro One-On-One with Donald Trump JR Reacts to James Comey Testimony. #DonaldTrump

Donald Trump Jr. joins Judge Jeanine after Comey's testimony

Why did the all-powerful BBC refuse to tell the truth about Mr Corbyn?

In the days following the terrorist outrage a week ago, almost every BBC bulletin took seriously Corbyn’s absurd allegation that Tory cuts were to blame. His own utter unsuitability for office — as a virtual accomplice of terrorists — was scarcely mentioned.

After Fort McMurray Wildfire Report, Alberta NDP Government Must Pay A Price

Brian Jean – Alberta Opposition Leader – has called for a public inquiry. Jean himself lost his home in the fire. Jean ripped the government for hiding the report

Eric Trump on Hannity talks about the attacks upon his father and family (Video)

Eric Trump reacts to the left-wing attacks against his family... the left told Eric they hope their newborn child will be aborted because they don't want another Trump into this world...

Retired FBI Special Agent Blows the Whistle on the Real Robert Mueller

Comey is a 'Dirty' cop... his ties to the Clintons goes waaaay back Comey acted as deputy special counsel to the Senate Whitewater Committee in 1996