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Retired FBI Special Agent Blows the Whistle on the Real Robert Mueller

Comey is a 'Dirty' cop... his ties to the Clintons goes waaaay back Comey acted as deputy special counsel to the Senate Whitewater Committee in 1996

SHOCKING: Look at these connections- Lynch to Comey to Obama/Clintons (Video)

Look at these connections- Lynch to Comey to Obama/Clintons

Syrian Refugee beats wife with a hockey stick! only in Canada, you say, Nope,...

Syrian refugee in New Brunswick, who beat his wife with a hockey stick. His Defense? He didn't know it was against the law

A woman attacks people in Toronto, declares her allegiance to ISIS and the Toronto...

While even CBC could talk about the woman that pledged allegiance to ISIS, the Toronto Star, the Red Star, ignored any reference to the jihad

Philippines President: The Catholic Church Is A Corrupt Pedophile Ring Rodrigo Duterte accuses priests...

President of the Philippines challenged the Catholic Church,” saying, “You are full of sh*t. You all smell bad, corruption and all.”

Why Trump Fired Comey

by Andrew C. McCarthy  @andrewcmccarthy June 10, 2017 He believed that the FBI director misled the public to think that the president was under investigation. At last,...

How An Extreme Marxist Just Nearly Became British Prime Minister

The leader of the Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn – a man who whose extreme views make Bernie Sanders seem sane – did sufficiently well to be able to claim that, despite not winning the popular share of the vote or even a majority of seats in Parliament, he was the moral victor in the election

It’s Official: European Scientific Journal Concludes 9/11 was a Controlled Demolition

The study was written and collaborated with Robert Korol, Anthony Szamboti, Steven Jones and Ted Walter- whom have prestigious degrees from top notch universities, in their field.

Poor co-ordination and communication hindered battle with Fort McMurray wildfire, says leaked report: Wildrose...

A wall of fire rages outside of Fort McMurray, Alta., on May 3, 2016. (Terry Reith/CBC) Unless better prepared, Alberta 'can expect similar or worse...