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The Year The Party Without Hope Won It All in British Columbia, by Jim...

  by Jim Hume Journalist (Bio below) Sunday May 7, 2017 Just a few days to go and you figure it’s all over. Conventional thinking suggests the undecided...

‘Britain First’ confronts ‘Ramsgate Rapists’ outside court house! Part Two…

A 16 year old English girl walked into a pizza outlet in Ramsgate, Kent, and was dragged upstairs and gang raped by four Muslims

TD Bank Could Get $2.8 Million Tax Break From BC Government

by Spencer Fernando Spencer Fernando.com Sunday May 7, 2017 I recently reported on a BC government program that was secretly providing tax breaks for international corporations, along...

PC Leadership candidate Maxime Bernier on ‘This Week in Money’

Maxime Bernier – Conservative Party of Canada Leadership Candidate Talks about his Economic Vision for Canada, Privatization, Lower Taxes, and Free Trade both Internationally and Provincially

Ammon Bundy tortured in Nevada the last 24 hours!

Ammon was taken from the shower by 6 swat members, striped him and threw him into solitary again after he just got out at 40 days

Watch: Tucker Carlson Spanks Ex-Clinton Advisor Who Claims The Media Is On Trump’s Side

Fox News host Tucker Carlson showed Peter Daou no mercy after the former Clinton advisor claimed the press needs to apologize to Hillary Clinton for its unfair coverage of the 2016 U.S. election

The Truth About Emmanuel Macron, A Rothschild Banker and a Nasty little Globalist!

This effete manlet may look like a complete pussy, but he's a nasty little globalist.

‘Globalism At It’s Worst’ Dr. Ron Paul Condemns So-Called ‘Pre-Emptive War’

Entangling Alliances ... "Red Lines" ... "Fighting them there instead of here" ... The military-industrial-complex has come up with every excuse in the book to keep their perpetual wars going. Ron Paul talks about the Empire's playbook, today on Myth-Busters!

WATCH: Ambrose Shreds Sajjan For Lies & Cuts To Troop Benefits

Defence Minister Harjit Sajjan has no credibility left. Even before his terrible lies claiming to be the “architect” of Operation Medusa in Afghanistan, Sajjan was overseeing the historic weakening of the Canadian Military

Saudi Princess Speaks Out Against Chemtrails And Geoengineering

The great thing about this woman is that, from a position of world power, she is speaking out against chemtrails and geoengineering