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Facebook Suspends 30,000 French Accounts 10 days Before Election in Attempt to Censor Le...

Facebook Inc said on Thursday it suspended 30,000 accounts in France as the social network giant steps up efforts to stop the spread of fake news, misinformation and spam.

WikiLeaks: MOAB Destroyed CIA Tunnels

The devastating MOAB dropped on Afghanistan destroyed tunnels financed by the CIA in the 1980s, according to information contained in an old New York Times article posted by WikiLeaks on Thursday.

How public officials got into the weed game

More central roles in marijuana companies belong to civil servants and politicians who have stepped away from office. Shane Morris is on a leave of absence from his role as the director of policy leadership in the federal government’s major projects management office, which oversees large natural resources ventures

Bashar al-Assad Interview | Response to Alleged Idlib Chemical Attack and US airstrikes

Damascus, SANA–President Bashar al-Assad gave an interview to AFP in which he said what happened in Khan Shaikhoun is a fabricated story, stressing that Syria does not possess a chemical arsenal and that even if it has such an arsenal, it will not use it.

Russian President Putin Accuses ‘Enemies Of Assad’ Of Planning False-Flag Chemical Attacks

Russian President Vladimir Putin claimed last week’s chemical weapons attack in the Idlib province of Syria was a “false flag” – a phony operation staged by enemies of Russia and Syria to discredit them

Rothschild Joins in on the Action on Syria and Makes Demands on President Trump…Here’s...

Sir Evelyn de Rothschild has urged western nations to “unite as one” in order to “intervene” in Syria and overthrow Assad to “usher Syrians into the new century.

This former CIA officer Amaryllis Fox has a lesson for Americans

The most recent person making noise from the world of intelligence is Amaryllis Fox, a former CIA clandestine service officer. When she was a teenager she worked with the Burmese democracy movement, which landed her a short stint in a Burmese prison at the age of 18.

Exclusive: British journalist destroys MSM lies on Syria

Published on 6 Apr 2017 Exclusive interview with British Journalist Tom Duggan in Damascus at the French Hospital tells us about the chemical attacks accusations.

Illegal Border Crosser Assaults Female Border Guard – Spencer Fernando

As Canadians are rapidly discovering, Justin Trudeau’s “welcome” message to the world is having severe negative consequences for our country

Trudeau Liberals Introduce Pot Legalization Bills – Spencer Fernando

The Trudeau government has officially introduced legislation to legalize marijuana