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The 25 Rules of Disinformation

How it is possible that the president can bomb a foreign country or threaten a full-scale international war without so much as even mentioning the need for Congress to chime in, let alone actually vote on a declaration of war?

Trudeau’s Bill S-230 Will Allow Government To ‘Forcefully’ Extract Your DNA

With Bill S-230 the Canadian government is prepared to erode basic fundamental rights and freedoms in regards to maintaining the privacy of our DNA

FAIL: North Korea Missile Blows Up “Almost Immediately”

The most disturbing thing about North Korea is their unending march toward more powerful weapons, and more long-range delivery systems.

Tommy Robinson vs. alleged Muslim rape gang at courthouse

Today as they arrived at court in Huddersfield, northern England, I confronted the 24 men and two women charged with abusing over 120 underage girls.

We Should All Mourn Mashal Khan, by Harvey Oberfeld

the story has drawn VERY LITTLE or NO attention from the BIG “world” news organizations: CBC National; CTV National; BBC World; CNN; or, Al Jazeera. Why?

Justin Trudeau sees nothing wrong with betraying Canadians

Would someone who loves Canada restore the citizenship of terrorists who wanted to brutally murder Canadians in cold blood?

Facebook Suspends 30,000 French Accounts 10 days Before Election in Attempt to Censor Le...

Facebook Inc said on Thursday it suspended 30,000 accounts in France as the social network giant steps up efforts to stop the spread of fake news, misinformation and spam.

WikiLeaks: MOAB Destroyed CIA Tunnels

The devastating MOAB dropped on Afghanistan destroyed tunnels financed by the CIA in the 1980s, according to information contained in an old New York Times article posted by WikiLeaks on Thursday.

How public officials got into the weed game

More central roles in marijuana companies belong to civil servants and politicians who have stepped away from office. Shane Morris is on a leave of absence from his role as the director of policy leadership in the federal government’s major projects management office, which oversees large natural resources ventures

Bashar al-Assad Interview | Response to Alleged Idlib Chemical Attack and US airstrikes

Damascus, SANA–President Bashar al-Assad gave an interview to AFP in which he said what happened in Khan Shaikhoun is a fabricated story, stressing that Syria does not possess a chemical arsenal and that even if it has such an arsenal, it will not use it.