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Exclusive: British journalist destroys MSM lies on Syria

Published on 6 Apr 2017 Exclusive interview with British Journalist Tom Duggan in Damascus at the French Hospital tells us about the chemical attacks accusations.

Illegal Border Crosser Assaults Female Border Guard – Spencer Fernando

As Canadians are rapidly discovering, Justin Trudeau’s “welcome” message to the world is having severe negative consequences for our country

Trudeau Liberals Introduce Pot Legalization Bills – Spencer Fernando

The Trudeau government has officially introduced legislation to legalize marijuana

Sleepwalking toward World War III… like clockwork, the next 25-year cycle of mass human...

The deep state may be manipulating President Trump President Trump, by the way, may not be aware of any of this false flag fakery. It’s highly likely that Trump is being played by the same deep state that played President Bush over “weapons of mass destruction.” Same playbook, different administration.

Trudeau funded UN thugs, ignored sex scandals – Courted by UNITED NATIONS

More proof that Trudeau's priorities are with the UN and not Canada

BAILOUT BETRAYAL: Bombardier Outsourced Jobs To Mexico & China While Seeking Taxpayer Money

After it was discovered that Bombardier was giving out massive bonuses while seeking a bailout from Canadian taxpayers, outrage against the company and the Trudeau government has continued to rise.

Bannon is a Nationalist, Kushner is a Globalist. This is where the rubber meets...

The fighting between Kushner and Bannon has been “nonstop” in recent weeks, according to sources who spoke on condition of anonymity. It’s been an “open secret” that Bannon and Kushner often clash “face-to-face,” according to senior officials.

Canada: Trudeau Liberals planning gun grab?

Criminals, by their very definition, aren't going to follow the new laws any more than they follow the current laws. Criminals aren't registering their handguns,

The Nigel Farage Show: Trump and last week…

The Nigel Farage Show from the UK on LBC

Who Killed DNC’s Seth Rich, and Why?

Wikileaks Bombshell: CONFIRMS Seth Rich Was DNC Leaker! Guccifer 2.0 Admits