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BC Liberals will Have New Leader Within a Year – Christy’s ‘past due’ date...

The NDP and the Greens are talking coalition ... and if that does not come together, BC Liberal leader Christy Clark may succeed in hanging on as Premier for a while with a minority government. But regardless of what happens, Clark will be gone as Liberal leader within a year...

CLIMATE CULT: Trudeau Liberals Slam Oil & Gas Industry With More Regulations

Surely it’s just a “coincidence” that Western Canada will be most damaged by the new Methane rules…

Bundy Ranch Prisoners Speak Out: If America Knew what was Happening, they’d be Outraged

Santilli said the indictment against he and others was “fraudulent” and was made public by “lying, flamboyant” federal prosecutor Steven Myhre, whom Santilli says is “known for misconduct and ethical violations.”

DISTURBING: Manchester Terrorist Linked To Ottawa Imam

Radical imam preached jihad in Libya, and had a son who fought for Islamist group

Under Dangerous Duo Of Trudeau & Notley, Oil Patch Struggles To Hire

Despite the massive complexity of our modern economy, and despite the obvious truth that attempting to control that complexity inevitably ends in failure, the arrogant elites continue their efforts to “guide” and dominate our economic future

Katy Perry, another ‘Snowflake’ has absolutely No Idea!

Don't you just yearn for the days when celebrities occasionally told the truth about the world?

Climate Change is the Vehicle to reach One World Government

Say NO to UN Agenda 21, say NO to the New World Order

Was Manchester Blowback? by Ron Paul

The Manchester bomber greatly benefitted from the chaos and Islamist extremism that resulted from the US/UK "liberation" of Libya and destabilization of Syria using proxy Islamist forces

RIVERO: Seth Rich, Trump, TPP, GMOs, Mueller, Comey, and Flynn’s 5th

Michael Rivero joins Jim Goddard on the Talk Digital Network

ELITIST SURRENDER: BBC Host Says “Get Used To” Islamist Terrorism

We know the elitists have failed to keep our societies safe. It turns out virtue-signalling and political correctness can’t deter evil killers