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Trump, Secret Service, FBI, Merkel, Obama, Hillary and Soros. Michael Rivero

Jim Goddard of the Goddard Report talks with radio host Michael Rivero Growing food in CA, and more election fraud

Longtime Trump advisor Roger Stone describes Representative Adam Schiff – “full of Schiff.”

Speaking on ABC’s “This Week” on Sunday, Stone hammered Schiff for suggesting he had prior knowledge of Wikileaks’ Podesta leaks, the implication being Stone must’ve been involved.

Subway seeking $210-million in lawsuit against CBC after ‘factually incorrect’ chicken report

“Despite our efforts to share the facts with the CBC about the high quality of our chicken and to express our strong objections to their inaccurate claims, they have not issued a retraction, as we requested,” Subway said in a Thursday statement, according to the New York Post. “Serving high-quality food to our customers is our top priority, and we are committed to seeing that this factually incorrect report is corrected.”

Chemistry Expert: Carbon Dioxide Can’t Cause Global Warming

Why on earth do we attribute any heating of the oceans to carbon dioxide, when there is a far more obvious culprit, and when such a straightforward examination of the thermodynamics render it impossible.

Was President Trump shown the inside of a geoengineered jet?

POTUS @realDonaldTrump with the employees – celebrating the brand new @Boeing Dreamliner in Charleston, South Carolina, on Friday, February 17, 2017

Roman Road to Salvation

There is a heaven, and there is a hell. Where are you going to spend eternity?